The question of whether you can effectively trick a breath test device, commonly used to measure blood alcohol content (BAC) during DUI stops, is one that has long been surrounded by myths and misinformation. The short answer is no, you cannot effectively trick a...
Month: May 2024
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3 times police officers can lawfully conduct a search without a warrant
The surest way for police officers to conduct a legal search is to obtain a warrant signed by a judge. Search warrants can give police officers access to homes and vehicles. They can also compel people to submit to testing that they might otherwise refuse. There are...
Strict parenting may lead to drunk driving
Legally speaking, teenagers are not allowed to drink until they are 21 years old. Realistically, underage drinking happens every day. Teenagers drink in high school and in college. This is one of the most common violations of the law at this age. Some parents will...