State laws are not fixed, and Illinois lawmakers regularly implement new laws or update old ones when they think doing so is necessary. Recent updates involve a number of traffic violations, including reckless driving and speeding while in a construction zone. Most of...
Traffic Violations
Using an officer’s written note to fight license suspension
Illinois drivers generally do not treat traffic tickets seriously until it is too late. Even if a ticket is for a seemingly minor traffic violation, it can still result in fines and even license suspension. Losing driving privileges, even temporarily, is simply not an...
Keeping roads safe with new texting and driving laws
Distracted driving accounts for all too many car accidents. And sitting right in your pocket or the cup holder in your car is one of the biggest distractions — your cell phone. Even a seconds-long glance down at your phone can have catastrophic consequences. Texting...
How speeding influences car crashes
Who hasn’t been frustrated by running late for work or a social engagement? It’s easy to feel the need to make up that time by speeding. However, speeding is one of the most dangerous driving behaviors there is. Excessive speed is a factor in more than one-quarter of...
When can police lawfully search my car?
You’ve probably heard about criminal cases that began with an officer pulling over a driver, and resulted in law enforcement claiming to have found something illegal during a search of that person’s vehicle. That uncovered evidence is often the basis for criminal...
Is fighting a speeding ticket worth it?
Receiving a traffic ticket might seem like a minor inconvenience, but it can be a much bigger problem, depending on the situation. For some Illinois drivers, it might make sense to fight charges for traffic offenses, especially those that come with hefty fines, such...
Illinois traffic offenses often yield surprisingly stark outcomes
It’s much ado about nothing, right? Just how serious can the downside be relevant to a traffic citation in Illinois? Many motorists in Northern Illinois and elsewhere across the state routinely find out in a hurry just how dire the consequences can be following their...
5 tips for talking to the police
If you have to talk to the police, you want to know exactly how to proceed. On one hand, you want the conversation to go smoothly without escalating the situation. On the other hand, you know that you have rights, and you do not want the police to walk all over you....
Do you have to tell the police if you have a firearm in the car?
You have a concealed carry license. Your criminal record is largely clean, you legally purchased your carry gun and you follow all of the related laws. You've been doing this for the last 10 years. One day, on the way home from work, an officer pulls you over. He...