When you file for bankruptcy, one of the things to remember is that the bankruptcy affects your credit for a specific number of years. Whether you file for Chapter 13 or 7 bankruptcy, it remains on your credit report for up to 10 years. This will hurt your credit, at...
Month: July 2021
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Can your drinking give you a defense against assault charges?
Most of the time, you are a good-natured and amiable person. You get along with others and have fun in social settings. However, at a party or maybe a bar, someone starts an argument with you. If you've already had a couple of drinks, things get heated more quickly...
What problems can occur when closing on a home?
Buying your first home is an exciting prospect, but it can also be confusing and stressful. Having saved for years, you want to be sure you spend your money wisely. There is a lot to learn about the real estate process, from understanding how much a mortgage will end...