Contact An Experienced Drug Possession Lawyer With Offices In Palatine and Elgin
Drug charges in Illinois carry harsh consequences. The degrees of severity vary, but all felony drug offenses have mandatory prison sentences and no opportunity for probation. It is imperative that you prepare a solid defense with an experienced criminal defense lawyer.
That’s why you should contact Cohen, Donahue & Morales. Our team of dedicated criminal defense lawyers commit their attention and resources to helping each of our clients identify their best resolutions in criminal defense cases. We will be available to you whenever you need us.
The Penalties You Face With A Drug Possession Charge
A drug possession conviction can result in various penalties that depend upon different factors, such as the type and quantity of the drug.
Minor charges may be classified as follows:
- Class C misdemeanor with a fine of up to $1,500 and/or up to 30 days in jail
- Class B misdemeanor with a fine of up to $1,500 and/or up to six months in jail
- Class A misdemeanor with a fine of up to $2,500 and/or up to one year in jail
Major charges can entail a fine of up to $25,000 with a:
- Class 4 felony resulting in one to three years in prison
- Class 3 felony resulting in two to five years in prison
- Class 2 felony resulting in three to seven years in prison
- Class 1 felony resulting in four to 15 years in prison
- Class X felony resulting in six to 30 years in prison
Possession or sale of narcotics near a church, school, public park or movie theater can result in a doubled fine and/or sentence length. The penalties are different for marijuana-related charges and prosecution in smaller towns. It will be in your benefit to discuss your case with an attorney. One of our seasoned trial attorneys and criminal defense lawyers can provide you with a detailed explanation of what you face. In addition, we will determine your best possible resolutions.
The Help Of An Experienced Attorney Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Case
Prosecutors want you to plead guilty because that is the fastest and easiest for them. But taking the first plea deal offered to you is almost certainly not in your best interests. Please don’t make any decisions before consulting a criminal defense attorney. You will likely be surprised about the additional options available to you, some of which may include:
- Getting the charges dismissed or significantly reduced due to problems with how evidence was collected or other ways in which your rights were violated
- A negotiated plea deal that keeps a felony off of your record
- Seeking an alternative to traditional prosecution and sentencing, including drug school, drug court or deferred prosecution
- Successfully fighting the charges at trial due to weaknesses in the prosecution’s case
If an old drug charge on your record is holding you back from the life or career you want, our attorneys can also discuss the possibility of clearing your record through expungement.
Contact Our Northern Illinois Defense Attorneys For A Free Consultation
Cohen, Donahue & Morales has offices in Elgin and Palatine, and we serve clients throughout northern Illinois. To take advantage of a free initial consultation about your criminal defense options, you can contact us by email or call 847-780-2688 to set up an appointment. Se habla español.