A Proven Leader
In Illinois Criminal Defense And Real Estate Law

If you face criminal charges or have a real estate concern in Illinois, our skilled team is here to help you find the right path forward.

Proven Criminal Defense And Real Estate Attorneys Serving Northern Illinois

Providing Comprehensive Legal Defense
At Reasonable Rates

Our attorneys work together to provide a rigorous defense for each of our clients. While some people treat the accused as criminals before they even get the benefit of a trial, that will never happen at Cohen, Donahue & Salazar Attorneys at Law. We will treat you with the courtesy and respect you deserve, from your free consultation until the resolution of your legal matter.

We are skilled negotiators who maintain strong relationships with county judges, clerks and prosecutors, as well as formidable trial advocates who do not back down from a fight. Our criminal defense lawyers never give in when our clients’ rights are on the line.

If you have been charged with a crime in Illinois, our attorneys are here to stand up for your rights. We provide effective criminal defense representation to clients in Elgin, Palatine and throughout Northern Illinois.

Practice Areas

Real Estate Law

Real Estate Law

We help with a wide range of real estate matters for buyers and sellers.

Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense

Our team creates effective and individualized legal strategies for those facing criminal charges.
DUI Defense

DUI Defense

If you have been arrested on drunk driving charges, our lawyers are here to protect your rights and your driver’s license.


We can help you determine the right course of action to take to rebuild your financial future.


Advocating for landlords throughout every step of the eviction process.

Drug Offenses

Drug Offenses

We represent clients facing any type of drug charge including possession, distribution and trafficking.
Traffic Violations

Traffic Violations

Our lawyers represent clients in traffic courts throughout Cook, Kane Counties and across Northern Illinois.

White Collar Crimes

White Collar Crimes

We can help you explore the options to remove past convictions from your record.
Sex Crimes

Sex Crimes

We will help you protect yourself from the consequences of a sex crimes conviction.
Theft Crimes

Theft Crimes

We offer an aggressive defense for those charged with property crimes.

Practice Areas

Real Estate Law

Real Estate Law

We help with a wide range of real estate matters for buyers and sellers.

Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense

Our team creates effective and individualized legal strategies for those facing criminal charges.

DUI Defense

DUI Defense

If you have been arrested on drunk driving charges, our lawyers are here to protect your rights and your driver’s license.



We can help you determine the right course of action to take to rebuild your financial future.



Advocating for landlords throughout every step of the eviction process.

Drug Offenses

Drug Offenses

We represent clients facing any type of drug charge including possession, distribution and trafficking.

Traffic Violations

Traffic Violations

Our lawyers represent clients in traffic courts throughout Cook, Kane Counties and across Northern Illinois.

White Collar Crimes

White Collar Crimes

We can help you explore the options to remove past convictions from your record.

Sex Crimes

Sex Crimes

We will help you protect yourself from the consequences of a sex crimes conviction.

Theft Crimes

Theft Crimes

We offer an aggressive defense for those charged with property crimes.

What Clients Say
About Our Firm

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