When you look to buy a place, you likely spend a lot of time looking for the right one – one that you like and can afford. You might be so thrilled to finally find somewhere that you rush to move on before someone else can take it from within your grasp. This would be...
Real Estate Law
3 things to know about evictions in Cook County, IL
Being a landlord is a great investment for some people. Most landlords are familiar with having to provide a nice place for their tenants. In exchange, many tenants pay the rent without any issues. There are several things that landlords in Cook County, IL, should...
3 examples of latent defects that home buyers can easily overlook
Some property defects are obvious. Prospective buyers can usually see the cracked glass in aging windows, for example. Buyers will have an easy time factoring obvious concerns into any offers they make when looking to purchase real property. It can be much more...
Can you evict a tenant for violating a no-pet policy?
Landlords and property managers have several valid reasons why they might want to include a pet policy in their lease agreements. Pets can cause damage to property and compromise the property’s hygiene standards. They can also be a nuisance to other tenants (like a...
3 kinds of evidence that can help Illinois landlords with evictions
Owning and managing an income-generating property can be a very frustrating experience. If a landlord has the right tenants, they can count on prompt communication and payment. However, there are plenty of people who can make themselves seem like reasonable tenants at...
What is a title lien, and what can you do about them?
A title lien, also known as a title defect, is something a court can place on a property when the property owner has failed to pay someone for something. Typical examples include a construction firm getting one because the homeowner has not paid them for the kitchen...
3 things to remember when selling your home
The decision to sell your home is a major one that needs to be taken seriously. As the seller, you have certain responsibilities when you’re preparing for the home sale process. For example, you’ll have to ensure that you highlight defects in the home that you’re...
How can you resolve an appraisal gap as a buyer?
Potential home buyers who have recently found their dream home may offer far more than what the property is worth. Lenders have to protect themselves from overzealous buyers when financing real estate transactions. One of the most common strategies for limiting the...
Has the deal for your new home been delayed?
You’ve been scanning the housing market for some time now. That dream home hasn’t jumped out of you, until now. You’ve discovered the perfect place and are keen to get on with making a deal. In an ideal world, you’d make an offer that would be accepted and the...
Can bankruptcy get you out of a bad home purchase?
If you purchased a home and its value has fallen significantly, you may struggle with understanding how to get out of the debt. If you keep paying on the mortgage, you’re throwing money away, because your home isn’t worth as much as the loan. Paying on your home might...