When you don't make quite enough to cover all of your expenses out of pocket each month, credit cards are invaluable. They help you cover expenses until you have another paycheck in the bank. People tend to lean on them even more during the holidays to cover gifts,...
How can you protect your assets during bankruptcy?
One big question that people considering bankruptcy ask is what kinds of assets creditors can take during the bankruptcy. The answer depends on the kind of bankruptcy you have as well as the exemptions you take. If you go through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you will not...
Are there any drawbacks of Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
If you’re unhappy with your financial decision, it never hurts to learn more about Chapter 7 bankruptcy. As you come to better understand the benefits, you’ll find it easier to decide if this is the right way to escape many of your financial problems. The primary...
How can you get credit collectors to stop calling you?
When you started to fall behind on your bills, you noticed that the number of phone calls you were receiving suddenly picked up in pace. Every day, your phone starting ringing off the hook. You answered a few times and asked the debt collector to send you letters with...
Will you lose your home during Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Illinois?
Unsecured credit is easy to come by in the United States, which is beneficial for the economy overall. Unfortunately, during times of economic decline, people can quickly find themselves overwhelmed by debt that would have been manageable just a few months before....
Delinquency rates, credit card debt are rising
If there is one kind of debt that can add up quickly and make it hard to eliminate what you owe, it’s credit card debt. Credit cards often have high interest rates. Missing a payment can lead to penalty fees and rate increases, too. You’re not alone if you’re...
Can bankruptcy’s automatic stay help you?
Not so long ago, life was going well. You never dreamed that a few months later you’d be out of work, your bills would be piling up and you’re worried that you’ll soon be facing an eviction or a foreclosure. Filing for bankruptcy may be your best option. Once you file...
When should you consider bankruptcy? It is really up to you.
With the way things are currently going in many communities throughout the entire country, you may discover that your family’s finances are strained. Your household is down to one consistent wage earner. You still work but your spouse – active in the gig economy – has...
Chapter 7 bankruptcy: an option to overcome extreme medical bills
Your professional career has begun. You have few worries. Relying on contract work in this gig economy has been surprisingly steady and well-paying for you. Although you are not a full-time employee receiving no health care benefits, you reason that your health is...
Will I lose my retirement savings if I file for bankruptcy?
One of the biggest concerns of people who are contemplating bankruptcy is whether they will lose their retirement savings. The good news is most 401(k)s, IRAs, and other retirement plans are exempt from creditors. This means your retirement accounts are likely...